
How we breed miniature donkeys

The breeding and selection of the breeders should be done carefully. Different breeders have different goals when breeding but, without a doubt, the most important factor must always be the good conformation of the miniature donkeys. The colour is also an important feature, but it should never be the priority and, finally, we must never forget that looking for them to be the smaller the better is not always the best approach.

Mediterranean miniature donkeys, like happens with all donkey breeds, have a gestation period of between 11-13 months and, almost without exception, they have a single offspring.

Females should not be impregnated until they are three years old (3’5 years old is better). Before reaching the age of 3, they are still growing and, because of their pace of development, they can be physically and mentally immature. The lifespan of a miniature donkey is 35 years old, so there is more than enough time to make them become parents. Females will require space a couple of weeks before delivery and, of course, the stable must be thoroughly cleaned and left ready for birth. Most miniature female donkeys are very good mothers and generally do not require any help for childbirth (very small females, below 30″, may have birth problems and may require veterinary attention).

The donkey foal should suck on its feet and within the first two hours of life. It is also important to examine the foal well and then also examine the sac, to verify that everything has been expelled. Extra care should be taken if the weather is cold: you must dry the foal, make a deep bed of dry straw and put a thermal blanket, because they will have to sleep frequently. However, if the weather is warm and sunny, the foal will already enjoy the surroundings with curiosity within the hours following the birth.

Some links of interest

Below you will find some links of interest about Associations related with the care of donkeys, asses and miniature donkeys.


General Care

Miniature donkeys, like its congeners, need specific care: food, shearing, hooves cleaning, vaccines, deworming, etc.

Even so, if these beautiful miniature donkeys live in a place with enough space for them to run and exercise, they do not need further care than a couple of weekly visits to check that food and water are in order. So, when we go and spend time with them, we will be able to enjoy their company immensely.

The minimum space necessary to have a miniature donkey must be enough to provide them a good quality of life. If they live on a plot, or a garden, they need to have a shed to provide shelter and keep food protected from the inclement weather. If they live in a stable, they must be taken out often to run and exercise.


Miniature donkeys are very resistant animals, and, in normal conditions, they are healthy animals. Of course, they need to have a minimal routine care:

Deworming should be done every 6 – 12 months. This is an important aspect of donkeys for their good health. There are several types of deworming pastes and each of them will deal with a different type of parasite, which must be administered at specific times of the year. Consult with the veterinarian the planning of their regime of elimination of parasites for each year. If internal parasites are not eliminated by periodic deworming, miniature donkeys can suffer damage in internal tissues that, in the long term, will shorten their life. Also, they can spread their larvae to other Equidae.

Miniature donkeys need to get their hooves trimmed once or twice a year, depending on the weather and on their mobility. Their hooves are very elastic and do not wear out just like those of other Equidae. However, if they are allowed to grow, they can lead to permanent damage. Try to find someone familiar with horse and donkey hooves trimming, in order to do it correctly.

Miniature donkeys should be vaccinated against tetanus. If you buy a miniature donkey, we will provide you with the dates of the first tetanus vaccinations and you should consider the time of the next dose of revaccination of tetanus / flu. Always check this with your veterinarian beforehand.

The grooming of miniature donkeys is an equally important part of their health care. You should brush their hair regularly, using a stiff brush on the body and a soft brush around the face and belly. Your grooming will establish a relationship of trust and allow you to check for cuts, chafing or stings on the skin of the donkeys.

Also, the mouth condition should be checked periodically. If you observe any abnormality in any tooth, consult it with the veterinarian.



Donkeys are native to the desert regions of the world; this makes their digestive system very rustic. Therefore, nutritional needs are much lower than those of a horse or a pony. Miniature donkeys require little or no food during the summer months if they are grazing.

What they should never miss is barley straw in their stables, to provide fodder, and it is important to provide them with a mineral compound so they can lick it whenever they need it; it must always be available to them. In addition to these minerals, they should never lack clean water at will.

It is important to limit the amount of fresh grass available for grazing. This can be achieved with an electrified fence of ribbons, plastic sticks and a battery, moving the fence a few centimetres every day.

During the winter months, in addition to barley straw, you can provide a daily dose of cereal, not required if the donkey has a good body condition, or you can also provide it in a very small amount. You must be careful with the concentrate portion, since excessive fat can be very harmful for their health.

There are mixtures in the market that are special for horses; they are balanced, and they can be used for our miniature donkeys.


About us…

We have been breeding and selling miniature donkeys and dwarf goats for more than 15 years. Apart from dedicating efforts to them and pampering them, we are constantly travelling to other countries to discover first-hand the places of origin of donkeys and miniature donkeys, and how their life and their use by humans have been traditionally.



The miniature donkeys are a breed of donkeys originating in the Mediterranean, this breed used to exist mostly in the Mediterranean islands, such as Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily, Malta, Menorca… It is not exactly known how far they spread, but what is certain is that nowadays it is almost impossible to find them in their places of origin, except in some reservations that exist for this purpose.

In old times, they were used to transport water from wells and supply water to villages in the shepherds’ mountains. Now, they are almost extinct in their homeland, and they have become a popular pet in the United States, especially in the southern states.

Approximately 500 miniature donkeys were imported to the United Kingdom from North America, they are becoming very popular pets in Great Britain and, little by little, they are reaching the rest of Europe.

The most common coats are grey and brown (chocolate). Other coats that can also be found are black, slate grey, stained, piebald in various tones, albino, with no light points, etc.

Our miniature donkeys are all registered and have a chart. In the family tree of many of them, up to 400 ancestors have been registered, dating back to 1929, when imports from Sardinia arrived in the United States thanks to Robert Green, a New York broker who took them to his own farm in New Jersey.

Green said: “Miniature donkeys possess the nature of an affectionate Newfoundland, the resignation of a cow, the durability of a mule, the value of a tiger and an intellectual capacity only slightly lower than that of a man.”

Almost all Mediterranean miniature donkeys in North America are native to this and other imports.


Frequently asked questions

Are they aggressive or do they pose any danger to their owners?

Miniature donkeys are affectionate and harmless animals, very sweet but very stubborn. It is very rare for a miniature donkey to kick or bite. They are good companion animals or pets and, if you have space to house them, such as a garden or a plot, they can also be used as “lawn mowers”.

What is the maximum size of a Mediterranean miniature donkey?

The standard of the Mediterranean miniature donkey breed to be able to be registered as so is a maximum height of 36″ (at the age of 3 years old) but most of them are between 30″ and 34″.

How long do miniature donkeys live?

Miniature donkeys have a very long life, and, with good care and adequate food, they can live up to 35-40 years on average, and can even reach 50 years of life.

Do we need a stable?

Yes, you should have a place under cover, even if it is a shed, in order to provide shelter. Donkeys do not have a waterproof coat and get wet with heavy rain.

Can a miniature donkey make friends with my dog or my goat?

You must always be very careful when putting together a dog and a donkey. Dogs become friends with donkeys, but they need time to get to know each other and have mutual trust. Regarding goats, they eventually become used to it and, why not? They can become good friends.

Can I have only one donkey?

Yes, of course, although it is not recommended. They love to play and be in company.

What personality do miniature donkeys have?

These donkeys are among the most affectionate and friendly of their kind. They are docile, loyal, playful and affectionate animals. They are very social animals, who give and receive a great deal of attention. The more time you spend with them, the better. They are easy to train, and they learn quickly. A miniature donkey is a lifelong friend and should not be considered a short-term pet. Miniature donkeys are not stubborn; in case of perceived danger, the instinct of the horses leads them to flee, while a donkey tends to look more into the situation and determine the best approach. They love to go for a walk with their owners.